Monday, August 22, 2011

Fall Family Fun Ride, Walk or Run Whatever is Fun!

Stretch the summer season for just a bit longer and get your family movin!


Bring yourself and your family to Foxboro Regional Park for tons of FUN!

We will be having a family friendly "Race" down legacy trail. The whole route is flat and you can choose any distance you like. You can walk, run, or ride a bike whatever you want! Just as long as you're having a good time doing it! There will be pit stops all along the way where you can stop refresh and fill up your water bottles.

Kids who participate will receive a medal at the finish line!

Cost is $5 per person or $20 per family.

For members of the family who don't want to get movin. Come hang out at the park!
Lunch will be available for purchase as well as cotton candy, popcorn and a fabulous bake sale!!!

Festivities at the park will be held from 10AM till 1PM

All proceeds go the Orchard 1st Ward LDS Young Women's camps.

Come out and support us and have a blast doing it!